
Saturday, June 22, 2013

Chapter 50: The Great Warriors

Ash watched as the Earth Kingdom patrol stood at the gates. They eyed it curiously. Dang it, we don't know how to open it! Ash thought in alarm. But then, he watched as Streak said something Ash couldn't hear and tapped the gate with his muzzle, and the gates open. Startled, the patrol jumped back a bit, but then Raoul walked through, followed by the rest of the patrol, and the gates shut.
They're doing fine. They'll be fine, Ash told himself. "Okay! Everyone else, since we're surrounded by foliage, we'll have better luck hunting. Rusty, I want you to assign animals to hunt. If the Earth Kingdom is surviving, they must've found prey to eat themselves. Everyone else, settle down and relax. We should be fine while we wait for the patrol to return."
Everyone looked grateful for the chance to settle down. They all laid down among the grassy ground. Ash could still see the Storm Desert ahead; it was actually not as hot outside the Earth Kingdom. Ash wasn't quite sure, however, how there could be no plants in the desert but there suddenly be plants outside the Earth Kingdom. I guess the Peacebenders blessed them, Ash figured.
Rusty approached Ash. "Wonder how the patrol is doing."
"Great," Ash smiled, "they're probably doing a great job, I'm sure of it..."

"I can't believe we were put in prison!"
Light was pacing around angrily, lashing her tail. They were underground in the Earth Kingdom's prison. It was really dark, and the only source of light was the hole in the top, protected by some sort of wire that made square holes in it. Raoul didn't like the place at all. It seemed like it was a terrible prison to be in. He could barely see more than five feet in front of him.
"We'll never get out of here!" Streak wailed.
Akumu turned on Firefly. "None of this would've happened if you didn't sound so unconvincing!"
"I did so sound convincing!" snarled Firefly, "besides, you didn't even help out, you just kept silent!"
"Calm down, guys!" Comet hissed.
"Actually, I take that back, Firefly," Akumu said. She then turned on Comet. "None of this would've happened if it weren't for your stupid idea! Ash should've never trusted an apprentice like you with your dumb idea! Look where it got us! Thanks a lot, Comet!"
"Not my fault!" Comet narrowed his eyes. "How was I supposed to know Fang would imprison us?!"
"Maybe you though..." Akumu then said in a squeaky, high-pitched voice, "...'Well, gee, it's not like any Firebenders are gonna hurt us or do anything bad to us! They're the nicest animals I ever met! I just won't plan anything for backup!'"
Comet snarled, and Raoul thought he was going to pounce on Akumu, when a voice came out of the shadows.
"Pipe down! I'm trying to get some sleep here!" growled a rusty voice.
Raoul perked his ears. "Wh-Who's there...?"
A big buffalo revealed his face in the cell next to the patrol. "It's me. Some of us are trying to sleep in this prison, and it's kind of difficult with you idiots making a ruckus!" he snapped.
"Hey!" Streak growled.
But Raoul was studying the buffalo. He then realized who it was. Raoul gasped, "You're Caput!"
"Yeah, kid, that's me. Now leave me alone," mumbled the buffalo.
Raoul, however, turned to the patrol. "Guys, that's Caput!"
"Oh my Lifebreeze! Caput!" gasped Light.
The buffalo snorted impatiently.
"I can't believe it! It's him!" squealed Akumu.
"Who's Caput?" Streak cocked his head.
"One of the greatest warriors in the land!" exclaimed Firefly. "Mom told me stories all about Caput! He's my favorite warrior!" Firefly then turned to Caput. "Is it true you killed ten Firebenders in one blow? Is it? Is it?" Raoul noticed Firefly, who was usually quiet, was now trying to keep himself from bouncing up and down like an excited pup.
"Yeah, well...I think I saw fifty," chuckled a new voice.
Out from the shadows came a pitch-black cougar with purple eyes.  Raoul marveled at her. She was rather small, but could recognize who she was as well. "Nota!" Raoul exclaimed. "She's another great warrior! Our first day in the Earth Kingdom and we've met two great warriors!"
"Well kid, you sure know your history," chuckled Nota. Raoul noticed she looked stiff with age.
"What great thing did Nota do?" Streak asked, cocking his head.
"Nota is the fastest Bender ever!" Cinder said.
"Thought Twister may give her some competition," giggled Akumu.
"She outran the Firebenders who were chasing her, and she hid and then killed them with Earthbending!" Cinder beamed.
"That's right. Best moment of my life," Nota grinned.
"Nota, let's not overwhelm them," Caput grumbled. "I'm tired."
"Oh, be quiet, Caput. We never have visitors," Nota replied.
"Visitors? These are our fellow prisoners," pointed out Caput.
Nota sighed. "They're excited about us, Caput. You should be happy."
"With the Firebenders under our control, what is there to be happy about?" grumbled Caput.
"Are there any more great warriors in here?" Windows asked.
"Yes, but they're all tired," Nota nodded. "Don't wake them up."
"Why are you all in here? You guys live in the Earth Kingdom yourselves!" Cinder exclaimed.
"Firebenders put us in here. Because they fear we'll overthrow them," Caput muttered.
"Ha! You guys would overthrow them," Streak sneered.
"So the Earth Kingdom now doesn't have its strong warriors. So they don't fight the Firebenders," Nota murmured.
"We're going to defeat the Fire Nation!" Streak insisted.
"Really? How?" Caput narrowed his eyes.
Raoul then explained the rebellion plan to them.
"You'll never win," Caput muttered. "All hope is gone. The land lost to the Fire Nation."
"But--" Streak began.
"No buts, kid. We lost," Caput narrowed his eyes.
Raoul looked at Nota for support. Surely she didn't agree?
"He's right," Nota sighed. "The land is doomed. Lost forever to the Fire Nation."

Author's Note:
Caput is pronounced "cap-it".

Nota is pronounced "naught-uh".


  1. o: Don't give up! You're the two greatest warriors around! Ye can't just lose hope! D:

  2. Naw, stop that Caput and Nota, there be hope D:<

  3. WOW the firbenders really did smth to the great warriors to be like that


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