

This is the trivia page - these are basically facts/ideas on TFEOB that only the author/character makers know about. If you have any trivia about your character, comment below!
**Spoiler warning**

Original Plans Trivia

-Ash was originally planned to be white.
-The moment Airia tackled Ash when they first met, the author planned to pair them.
-Ironfang and Wildfire were made by the author's younger brother.
-The author once considered giving Airwing eternal life.
-Light was originally going to be paired with Rusty.
-Slice was also planned to be paired with Rusty, but the author decided it to be Miguel.
-The author first thought TFEOB would be the worst story blog she'd ever made, but it has lasted three books already.
-Conchitah, the creator of Eclipse, came up with the idea of Rusty and Eclipse assisting Ash.

Pairing Trivia

-At one point Spots liked Mistletoe.
-Ash was beginning to like Charlotte but then liked Airia more.
-Treebranch did sort of like Ash at one point, but that was because she could scarcely remember him from when she was a pup.

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