
Sunday, August 4, 2013

Chapter 63: Riding Dolphins

"Well, here we are. The edge of the land."
Ash looked at the ocean in front of him. He could just see the land on the other side. The ocean reflected the sun that was beating down, making Ash have to narrow his eyes as he looked at the water. "How do we get across?" Ash asked. He looked around; there was no bridge in sight.
"Well, the Airbenders can get across easily," Rusty shrugged.
Windfur snorted. "Please. I got this, guys." She then stood at the edge of the land and made a bunch of clicking and high-pitched noises.
Ash and Rusty exchanged looks.
"Um...what are you doing?" Rusty asked.
"I speak dolphin," Windfur puffed out her chest.
"Excuse me? How is that gonna help?" Rusty snorted.
"Yeah," Raven grumbled, "It's not possible to speak--"
Just then, two dolphins jumped out of the water, arriving at shore.
"See?" Windfur smirked.
"What do we do with them?" Ash cocked his head.
"Just watch," Kodi grinned. He then hopped onto one of the dolphin's backs.
"What are they doing?" came Nzuri's voice.
"Apparently Kodi's on the back of a dolphin," responded Leafy's voice.
"Ooh? Really?!" squeaked Aimee's voice. "I can't see!"
"Watch this," Kodi said. He tapped the dolphin on the head, and the dolphin sped off towards the land on the other side, Kodi howling all the way with amusement.
Very quickly afterwards, the dolphin that took Kodi over returned.
"Ladies first," Raven looked at Rusty and nodded towards the dolphins.
"Coward," Rusty growled.
"Are you scared?" Windfur taunted.
"Am not," Rusty insisted.
"Then hop on, buddy," Windfur replied, pointing to the dolphins with her tail.
Rusty sighed and waded into the water. He then climbed on the dolphin and flinched first, but then eased onto it.
"Ash, go on the other one," Windfur ordered.
Ash shook his head. "Er...I'd rather let the animals of The Bending Tower go first."
"Scaredy-cat," Raven snorted.
"That's offensive!" came Streak's voice from nearby.
"Perfectly normal," Windfur shrugged. "Who wants to go?" she asked the crowd.
"I do! I do!" Streak squeaked, scampering forward. He was quickly followed by Nzuri.
"Alright munchkins," Windfur said, "since you two are small, you can both ride togeth--"
"We're not small!" exclaimed Nzuri and Streak at once.
"Um...right. Why don't you both ride the same dolphin?" Windfur suggested.
Streak and Nzuri didn't protest further; they both jumped onto the dolphin Rusty wasn't on.
"Ooh, this is gonna be fun!" Nzuri squealed. "Patch, you coming?"
"I dunno..." Patch shuffled her paws nervously.
"It's nothing to be worried about!" Streak insisted.
"I-I think I'll go with mom," Patch murmured.
"Suit yourself," Nzuri insisted. She then tapped  the dolphin on the head and it sped off.
"Well Rusty? You going?" Windfur asked.
Rusty sighed and tapped the dolphin on the head; as it sped off, he yelled out in alarm.
Patch and Rainbow came next, together, as a dolphin returned. They climbed onto it and Rainbow tapped its head and the dolphin sped off, just as the other dolphin came back for another ride.
Raoul had volunteered to go next. He stepped onto the dolphin, looking kind of nervous, and held on tight to the dolphin. He then tapped the dolphin's head and it sped off.
After Raoul, Max went; he was followed by Slice, and Miguel was right next to her, whispering encouragement. Slice went on and yelled out as the dolphin left, and Miguel tried to get on the dolphin returning as soon as possible to try and catch up to Slice.
Then Spots came up, supporting Sylvia, who looked very sleepy and not energetic at all.
"It won't take too long," Spots said reassuringly. "You'll be fine."
"Is she okay?" Ash looked at Sylvia.
"Um...She's fine," Spots replied, looking slightly nervous.
Ash lowered his voice, "If there's anything wrong, you can tell me," he insisted.
Spots sighed. "Um...Sylvia's expecting...my pups," Spots muttered.
"Well, congratulations then," Ash smiled.
"But she's worried she's slowing us down," Spots replied.
"Just let her stay near Eclipse," Ash nodded. "Eclipse will look after her well."
Spots then got onto one dolphin and Sylvia got onto the other. The dolphins then sped off.
Dust walked up. "Are you going or not?" he asked Ash.
"Um..." Ash began.
"Scared?" Dust snickered.
"Am not," Ash insisted. "Watch..." as the two dolphins returned, Ash climbed onto one of them. The dolphin's skin felt sleek and smooth. Ash's stomach lurched, half with excitement and half with fear; what would happen if Ash were to fall off? The dolphins seemed to go pretty quick...
Dust clambered onto the one beside Ash. "Ready? We'll have the dolphins race," he grinned.
"Alright then," Ash smiled, feeling like a carefree apprentice again.
"One...two...three!" Dust yelled.
Ash quickly tapped his dolphin on the head and it sped off, Dust's beside him.
It was amazing; the dolphin Ash was on just went faster and faster. The wind blew in Ash's face, as the dolphin sped through the water. Ash tightened his grip around the dorsal fin, not digging his claws in in case it'd harm the dolphin. It'd be cool to just be riding a dolphin forev--
Ash was cut off as salty water splashed his face.
"Hey!" Ash protested, looking at Dust, feeling his left eye begin to burn.
"Ha!" Dust sneered.
Ash then raised his paw and a waterball came out of the ocean and hit Dust on the nose.
"Gah!" Dust yelled out.
"Doesn't feel too good, does it?" Ash grinned.
Just then, the dolphins arrived to the other side.
"Good job!" exclaimed Slice. She ran up to Ash. "Isn't it fun?"
"Yeah," Ash chuckled, reaching his paw up to his eye to try and stop it from burning. He turned to Dust. "Thanks a lot."
"Well, you got your revenge," Dust muttered.
"What's wrong?" Slice cocked her head.
"Dust hit me in the eye with saltwater," Ash replied.
Then, Light came over on a dolphin and fell onto the land. Kodi ran over to her.
"There you go," he grunted, helping her up. "Wasn't so bad, was it?"
Ash noticed Light was smiling at him. "Yeah...it was alright..." she said, looking shy - which wasn't like Light at all.
Other animals came over, more and more, until Windfur then came over, riding on both dolphins at the same time. She then landed gracefully on the beach, and turned to the dolphins, making more dolphin noises, and the dolphins responded and swam away.
"Now that that's taken care of," Windfur said, "to the Alpha Ruins!"

Author's Note:
...It's technically morning.



If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.