
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Chapter 48: The Earth Kingdom Patrol

Ash woke up early when the sun was only just skimming the ground. It made the sky around the sun blue-pink, with a bit of orange-red at the base of the sun. Ash stretched, and scanned the area. The rest of The Bending Tower was asleep. They'd arrive at the Earth Kingdom today.
Ash then recalled Comet's plan. I'd better choose some animals to enter the Earth Kingdom, he decided.  Comet was obviously going, since he had asked to go and came up with the plan himself. Ash wanted a fairly large group to go in, but not too large, or else it'd look suspicious. They could say they were a group of travellers in need of shelter...that'd make everyone think that they knew nothing about Bending or the Firebenders, because what animal who knew about the Firebenders would ask them for shelter? Ash remembered the group would have to be animals the Firebenders wouldn't remember as a part of The Bending Tower.
Ash observed the animals around him. He looked to see Raoul and Max were sleeping side-by-side. Strangely, Miguel wasn't with them; when Miguel lived at The Bending Tower before spying on the Fire Nation, the three were best friends. Perhaps things have gotten awkward between the three of them, Ash figured. He then cocked his head. I could have Raoul go. The Firebenders barely know him.
So Comet and Raoul were going. Ash then kept looking around. Obviously, Rusty couldn't go, the Firebenders would recognize him as the one who stood up for Crystal, and the fact that Rusty was a close friend of Ash's. That meant Dust wouldn't be able to go either. Ash's eyes then landed on Windows. He can go, Ash realized. That meant that was three animals so far: Comet, Raoul and Windows.
Ash then looked at Light. Light would've been able to go as well. Comet, Raoul, Windows, Light... Ash thought to himself. Ash's gaze then landed on Firefly, who was sleeping nearby Light. I don't think the Firebenders would recognize Firefly much either, Ash decided. Comet, Raoul, Windows, Light, Firefly...
Ash realized it'd be good to have another female go; Light would be the only female if Ash didn't choose another. Cinder! Ash thought immediately, his eyes darting over to watch his apprentice, whose body was rising up and falling down when she breathed. Cinder would be great to go; she was small, so she could slip through small spaces and was quick, too. Comet, Raoul, Windows, Light, Firefly and Cinder. Still need some more.
None of Airia's family could go, because Ash knew the Firebenders were after Airia. So that meant Sun couldn't go, neither could Airia herself. Ash then looked at Akumu, who was asleep near Flare. Akumu could go, Ash figured. He studied Flare for a few moments, then shook his head. Flare might be recognized as Crystal's sibling, and the Firebenders know Crystal, because Flamingclaws had nearly killed her... Ash shook his head. I hope I can remember all those going... Comet, Raoul, Windows...Light and...oh yeah, Firefly...Cinder, and Akumu.
Ash cocked his head. Was that a big enough group? Or were more necessary? Ash then shook his head. Nah, it would be good enough.

When the whole Bending Tower was awake, Ash stood in front of them all to discuss his plans. Rusty and Eclipse stood on either side of him, and Nightgale laid down by Eclipse's side. "Okay," Ash said, "we're going to approach the Earth Kingdom. Our friend Comet came up with a plan of how to get into the Earth Kingdom." Ash nodded towards Comet, who looked embarrassed by all the attention. Everyone looked at him and started murmuring.
"Comet suggested that we select some representatives to go into the Earth Kingdom to get them to escape, since we all can't go in there without the Firebenders trying to kill us. So I chose some loyal Benders, ones that I know would never leave our side and are smart and know what they're doing," Ash explained.
"So obviously, Rusty isn't going," Dust called out teasingly. Several Benders laughed.
Ash smiled, but didn't comment about Dust's joke. Ash noticed Rusty was giving Dust a playful glare. "I worked all morning to decide who would be going into the Earth Kingdom. So I decided to choose--" he paused for a minute, interrupted when all the Benders launched into talking, all discussing stuff with their neighbor. "Excuse me!" Ash exclaimed. Everyone quickly stopped talking and looked at him. Ash cleared his throat. "Yes. I decided to choose..." he remembered the animals he chose. "Comet, Raoul, Windows, Light, Firefly, Cinder and Akumu to go."
Ash looked at those he called upon. They all looked rather excited. "We need to get going now," Ash continued. "The rest of The Bending Tower will hide somewhere near the Earth Kingdom."
"Excuse me," Stone called out, "none of the Benders going are senior. They have barely any experience! Can't you have a senior Bender go into the Earth Kingdom? Two of them are apprentices and the rest are newbie Benders!"
"I'm not newbie!" growled Light.
"Well Stone, you wouldn't go anyway," Ash said, "because the Firebenders would recognize you, definitely. And I am satisfied with my choices. They will be fine without a senior Bender, rest assured."
"Can I go?" Streak blurted out.
"Of course not!" Rainbow snapped.
"Pleeaaase?" Streak begged.
"No," Rainbow growled.
"But I'll be an apprentice soon!" Streak pointed out.
"It doesn't matter. You're not an apprentice yet," Rainbow insisted.
"Ash! Let me go into the Earth Kingdom! Airwing told me stories about it, I've always wanted to check out the inside!" Streak mewed.
"Sorry, Streak. It's too dangerous," Ash shook his head.
"No it's not! I'll be fine, honest!" Streak protested.
"Hold on," Cinder stepped forward. "If Streak does go, I can watch after him. Don't worry," she said, looking at Rainbow, "I can take care of him. If something happens to Streak, I will stay in the Earth Kingdom to somehow avenge your loss."
Rainbow shook her head. "That's nice of you, Cinder, but I couldn't bare it if I would lose my only son."
"Hey, we're right here y'know!" Nzuri exclaimed, "Patch and I are way better than Streak."
"Are not!" Streak hissed. "I can Earthbend already! I'm better than you!"
Ash was thinking. "Well...I suppose Streak can go with Cinder watching him..."
"YES!" Streak cheered.
"...Although I guess the final decision is yours, Rainbow, since he's your kit," Ash shrugged.
"NO!" Streak wailed.
Rainbow sighed. "I don't know...I'm not too sure about this decision."
"Think about it on the way there," Ash nodded. "Let's go, everyone!"

Author's Note:
I'm probably gonna make a Warriors fanfiction soon. ouo

And be sure to check my new story blog, it now has character sign-ups!


If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.