
Saturday, February 23, 2013

Chapter 8: Sibling Rivalry

Ash looked up at the Firebenders in despair, unable to hide his fear. The Firebenders examined him, and Poisonfang turned to look at the Firebenders. "I think Ash deserves a punishment, don't you agree?" she said, and the Firebenders all nodded agreement. Ash didn't move, as he was stunned.
Hazen looked at him. "I say we force him to join the Firebenders and give information about The Bending Tower in exchange for his life!" he suggested. Fang and Fireblade nodded, but the rest of the Firebenders shook their heads.
"Come on, Hazen, we can obviously think of worse," snorted Wildfire. He smiled evilly and looked at Ash. "Let's kill him, right here and now! Ironfang will be most pleased," he smirked. The Firebenders all exchanged looks of agreement, and Ash few wide-eyed with fear.
"Now hold it, brother!" snarled Poisonfang, looking at Wildfire, "you have a good idea, but I disagree." Ash let out a small sigh of relief. "Let's kill him tomorrow. It will give us time to plan his death, and plus, he'll dread it!" She bared her teeth at Wildfire. "Or have you forgotten I am superior to you because I'm deputy?"
Wildfire snarled. "You idiot!" he yelled, making Ash flinch, "you don't give the moron time until his death, especially a whole freakin' day! You kill then right then, right now, no mercy!" he yowled loudly. "Kill him right now! Then he doesn't have time to escape! Do I have to explain how to torture while I'm at it!" he growled, "just because you're deputy doesn't mean your decisions at better!"
Poisonfang bared her teeth. "If we murder him later we can plan the murder!" Ash was almost shaking in fear now, fighting the urge to begin crawling back, "we can just lock him in the cells until then and put guards there so he doesn't try anything smart!"
Wildfire hissed. "Has Ironfang taught you nothing? We are warriors! Giving him time would be like giving him time to plan a daring escape, and to give him time to say final good-byes! Are you too soft-hearted?" He turned to Ash. "See, my sister, this is how you murder!" He hissed at Ash and slithered towards him, and Ash got to his paws and backed up. Wildfire hissed and leaped at his face, baring his fangs, and just when he as an inch away, suddenly Wildire was blown to the side. Ash gasped as he saw Airia pinning Wildfire to the ground, who was wriggling under her grasp.
"I don't think you'll be murdering today," Airia said coldly, glaring down at Wildire.
Wildfire bared his teeth. "Well maybe it is you who will lose their life today!" he snarled, aiming a bite.
"Wildfire!" snapped Poisonfang, stopping her brother in his tracks, "what did we go over?" Wildfire glared at her and easily slipped out from under Airia and slithered over to the Firebender, who were all giving Airia hostile glares.
"You're lucky to be alive," Wildfire spat.
Poisonfang slithered up to Airia. "Now, now, dear, let us take Ash. He has been spying and must have his punishment done." She looked at Airia with look that said "we'll give you one chance to solve this peacefully".
"No," Airia replied simply, and Ash felt relief rush through his veins. "Besides," she continued, "he is the one to kill your leader, is he not?" Ash flinched. Oh no, she knows my destiny! Ash thought in fear, I don't want everyone knowing yet!
Poisonfang snarled, and then Miguel stepped forward. "Hold it, Poisofang," he said, and Ash watched Miguel, giving him an icy stare to make sure he knew that Ash disliked him for being a traitor, "maybe she has a point. I don't think Ironfang would want us fighting his battles for him." He glared at Ash. "But Ash, there is a warning for you. Spy on us again and we'll take you to the Fire Nation and let Ironfang rip you apart, and give you no way to defend yourself." Ash flinched, not knowing Miguel could be so cruel.
Ash looked at Poisonfang, expecting her to snap at Miguel for giving orders when he wasn't even deputy, but instead she nodded approval. "Good, Miguel. You're more loyal than I thought you'd be." She turned to Ash and Airia. "Leave. Now."
Ash nodded and exited the room, Airia following. He looked up at her. "Er, you know my destiny now...?"
"Yes," Airia nodded.
Ash sighed.

Author's Note:
Ash was saved! c8


  1. LOL "err u know my destiny now?" "yes"
    awkward moment!

  2. phew!
    Koro sounds cool for the next main character!

  3. A least they don't know that Eclipse will help out.


  4. I am here to protest your poll on who should be the star in the 2nd series...........WHY AM I NOT THE ONLY CHOICE IN THAT POLL!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?


    **glares menacingly**

    1. Hold it, Tiggerpaka!

      Er, you see... you are already the, um...star of this first series, and you're so great, you'd definitely be the star of the second series. So I have to give other characters a chance.

  5. HOLY *puts hat of awesomeness on* IM SUH SARREH!! I COULDN'T GET ON!! XD... Is Maisoon and Newfoow dead? I checked the characters page and there was nothing in their name. If they didn't die, THANK U ;A;... if they did.... ;-; character sign up is closed.. HOW DARE U? DX.... Anyways... :3 ash has a daughter? Is this book 3? I was gone for too long! I need to start all over again... D:

    1. They're still live. :3 Ash and his friends will have pups/whatever in the next series. This is the third book and it's the first series. :)

    2. YAY. Ok!! Alright o:<!! Rock on ;)

  6. Yay! And sorry to be nitpicky, but it say Poisofang instead of Poisonfang at the end.


If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.