
Friday, July 27, 2012

Chapter 71: Army?

Snarling, Ash turned to face Waterstreak. "Well, what if I don't want to defeat Ironfang? I'll die for sure, he's the toughest Bender all throughout the land!"
"You have to. It's your destiny," replied Waterstreak, looking at Ash with concern.
"Can't I choose my destiny?" growled Ash.
"No. It's not possible," Waterstreak sighed, "my destiny was to lead the Water Tribe. I didn't want to. I wanted to become a Healer. However, when I was a Healer apprentice, the Peacebenders sent me a vision telling me to become a Waterbender apprentice. The Peacebenders are right, they'll guide you through the toughest times you must endure."
"Peacebenders can't come back to life and help me," snapped Ash.
"No, but you will have help from others."
Waterstreak sighed, "Two others will help you defeat Ironfang. The rest of the Firebenders, you will get help from the Water Tribe, Tribe Of Flying Birds, loners, and all of The Bending Tower."
That's a big army, Ash thought. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

Author's Note:
Short chapter. :3


  1. Ohhhh. O_O Will Raoul be in the Army?

  2. Woot! Ashy has an army! ;D


  3. Hi greatshot i'm back :3 i've been busy a lot... Can't wait for the battle!
    p.s. What a huge army! Ironfang will have a hard time DX


If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.