As the Water Tribe patrol left, Spots sighed. Now, he kind of regreted choosing not to go.
But it's dangerous, he reminded himself. They're all risking their lives!
It was true. Spots didn't want to endanger himself. He trotted towards Kabu, his head hanging. What if my friends don't return?
"Alright, Spots," Kabu said, "we're going to give you your assessment. If you pass, you'll become a true Airbender.
Spots wagged his tail. He had been waiting for this for moons. Yes! "What do I have to do?"
"We're doing this with Skye," Kabu explained. "She will be here, after she visits Feather."
"What happened?" Spots asked nervously.
"Skye was flying through the forest when she flew too low, and a rabbit jumped up and clawed her because Skye alarmed it," Kabu explained.
"I'm here," came Skye's voice. She hopped over. "I'm not allowed to fly for a while." Spots noticed she had a bit of ointment on her wing.
"Alright," Kabu nodded. "Let's begin. First, Spots, I want you to show us how good you are at flying with the wind."
Spots nodded. He felt like jumping around like a puppy. No, he told himself, I'm no longer a puppy. I'm now a big dog.
Whirling his tail, Spots closed his eyes tight to help him concentrate. He felt an air current at his tail. His instinct told him to jump into the air. Doing so, Spots landed on the air current and flew to the highest roof of The Bending Tower.
"Good," Kabu called, "see if you can come down!"
Spots nodded. He could see everything from the top - all the students practicing, and the tall trees behid The Bending Tower.
Spots whirled his tail again, and jumped on another air current. He rode it to the bottom.
"Good," Skye nodded.
"Now, let's see you hunt. Let's go into our territory," Kabu said.
They all walked out of the yard and towards the forest.
Author's Note:
Instead of talking about Ash still, I'm leaving you guys on a cliffhanger and I went to Spots instead! -laughs evilly- XD
I Know what will Happen so someone is not on a cliff hanger so ha!
Lol you totally left me hanging.
YOU GO SPOTTY!! -gives treat- OH I FORGOT 0_0... -takes treat back- GO HUNTING... U R NOT A PUPPEH ANYMORE... *spots goes hunting* -sighs- Aww.. they grow up so fast! :')