
Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Chapter 16: A Black Wolf

The patrol walked through the forest, Ash bringing up the rear. The whole patrol was happy for Ash, except Stone and Airia.
"How did you come up with that idea, Ash?" Spots asked.
"It just came to me," Ash shrugged.
"Well, it was great," Cora smiled.
"I hope I'll get good ideas like you, Ash," Dust complimented.
Ash half liked everyone treating him like a hero, half didn't. Hopefully by tomorrow the news will die down. I wonder how the others will act when we tell them Bone is gone.
Every animal in the patrol was chatting and talking except for Stone and Airia. They kept quiet the whole time.
Suddenly, a twig snapped. Ash pricked his ears. He sniffed the air. He now knew what a Firebender smelled like. This wasn't a Firebender.
"It smells like a loner," Stone announced.
So that smells like a loner, Ash thought, promising to remember the scent.
Then, the bushes rustled. A wolf's head poked out. She was black and had a silver star on her forehead.
"What are you doing here?" Stone growled. "This is Bending territory."
"I thought I could smell Benders," the wolf nodded.
Ash exchanged confused looks with Rusty.
"Who are you?" Fan asked.
"My name is Star," the black wolf nodded.
"Hello!" Spots wagged his tail.
"What do you want?" Airia growled.
"What do I want? I have news for your leader - whoever he is," Star replied.
"Okay," Stone narrowed her eyes. "But we'll be extra cautious..." Ash was the only one who heard Stone mumble, "Firebender."
They headed back to The Bending Tower, Star close behind. Creature ordered Ash and Rusty to walk on either side of Star to keep her from running away.
The patrol was greeted by a weasel and an albino fox.
"Who is this?" The fox asked.
"A loner, Eris, can't you tell by his scent?" Airia said coldly.
"Indeed a loner," the weasel nodded.
"Maisoon, Eris, you may let us pass. Star needs to see Goldwing," Fan nodded.
Maisoon and Eris stepped away from their guard spots at the door, let the patrol through, then stood back in their place.
"Another loner?" Kabu questioned.
"She needs to see Goldwing," Stone growled.
"Mistletoe, go get Goldwing for me please," Kabu ordered.
A white wolf with a red and green stripe on her left side nodded, and took off.
Ash shifted his paws, waiting. Star was sitting, licking her paw. Dust and Rusty began talking to each other. Airia and Stone her murmuring words with each other, and Fan and Creature were walking over to a group of apprentices.
A barn owl came over. "I've heard news about a loner?"
"Yes, Skye," Airia sighed, rolling her eyes.
Suddenly, the door busted open. Tiggerkat came out. "I've heard about a loner!" She walked up to Star. "Do you know anything about any Firebenders who took some Reese Cups?"
Star looked at Fan, then looked at Tiggerkat. "Er, no....sorry."
Tiggerkat sighed. "Well if you do, just tell me."

Author's Note:
We got a few new characters in this story - Star is Horselips's character and Skye is SpiritHowl's character. Wonder what Goldwing is going to do with Star?


  1. That was a good chapter!


  2. It's getting interesting! Love this story! <3

  3. I am DETERMINED to find those Reese Cup!!!

    1. *Gives Reese Cup* I like Reese Cups, too. WHY MUST YOU STARVE THE REESE CUP PEOPLE?

  4. YAY!! MY CHARACTER IS IN THE STORY!! Maisoon the great arctic weasel has powerrr


If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.