
Friday, May 11, 2012

Chapter 13: The Plan

After lunch, Kabu came over to Ash, Spots, Rusty and Dust. All four of them were becoming good friends, since all four of them were apprentices.
"I want you four, Creature, Cora, Airia and Stone to patrol our territory," Kabu said.
Oh, no! I'll take Airia, but not Stone! "Why is it such a big patrol?" Ash thought.
"Goldwing could scent the deputy of the Firebenders near our borders when he was hunting by himself," Kabu explained. "We need as much Benders as we can get by that border."
"Also, it will be good experience for apprentices," Cora added, walking over.
"Before going out, make a plan. We might get ambushed," Kabu suggested. He ran to Goldwing.
"Spots, go get the rest of the patrol," Cora nodded to Spots.
"Of course!" Spots wagged his tail rapidly, and ran off.
In what seemed like a heartbeat, Spots returned with the rest of the patrol.
"Kabu says we need to plan first," Cora explained to them.
"I already have an idea," Rusty announced. "Maybe Cora can go in the river, and if we need backup, she can do a surprise attack."
"A great idea," Creature nodded.
"How about this? We all hide in the bushes with the toadstools, and one Bender goes to confront the Firebender. Then, we can ambush the deputy before it attacks that Bender!" Dust growled.
"Perfect," Cora complimented.
"I'll be the one who confronts the deputy," Creature announced.
"You will?" Spots gasped. "That's dangerous! And after what happened to Galmega?"
"Are you suggesting I'm weak?" Creature pretended to glare, but his eyes sparkled with amusement.
Fan came over. "I'd like to help this patrol. I asked Kabu and he said I could."
"Good," Airia nodded to Fan. "It will be good to have a senior Bender in the act."
Creature then explained their plan to Fan. "I will be the one who confronts the deputy," he finished.
Fan nodded. "Good luck, Creature."
"Let's go now," Stone grumbled. Ash followed the patrol. Will this plan work? But how deadly is the Firebender deputy?

Author's Note:
Looks like the patrol will be seeing yet another Firebender! I wonder what animal this Firebender will be? I'll give you a hint - this Firebender is poisonous! Is another Bender going to end up sharing the Medicine Benders' room with Galmega?


  1. What happened to me....?


  2. Maybe it will be Charlotte... (I mean the one in the medicine bender's room. I heard they have hot cocoa in there...)

    1. Oooh! Padpad, you gave me a funny idea.


  3. Great! When am I gonna be added?



If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.