
Monday, July 29, 2013

Chapter 59: After the Breakout

"So, how do we get to the Air Temples?"
Ash was sitting with Quake, Rusty, Nightgale and Eclipse, far from the collapsed Earth Kingdom. They had travelled far enough that there was no more desert and it was a grassy plain; beyond was a small beach by the ocean. The other animals of The Bending Tower and Earth Kingdom were having fun, talking and some of the younger ones were playing in the ocean. Ash figured it'd be best to meet with each other and discuss plans. With the help of Rusty, Eclipse and Nightgale, Ash explained to Quake - who said he was leader of the Earth Kingdom - about their plan.
"The Air Temples are in the mountains," Quake explained, "they're perched high up, near the sky. They have rope bridges to get to them, but there are guards at every bridge."
"So we'll need a plan to get past the guards," Rusty nodded.
Quake shook his head. "We don't. The Air Temples' residents are all civilians of the war. All they do is study prophecies and the history of the land and Bending and all. Legend has it that when the groups of Benders were made, the founder of the Air Temples called upon the smartest animals to live at the Air Temples."
"Um...so they don't fight at all?" Rusty cocked his head.
"Nope," Quake shook his head.
"Should we set off, then?" Eclipse suggested.
"We need to rest," Ash pointed out. "Give it a few days."
"Alright then," Eclipse shrugged.
"I'm going to go talk to Slice," Nightgale said, walking away.
Eclipse walked away and so did Quake, leaving Ash by himself. He looked at the Earth Kingdom animals. They all seemed less playful and more quiet than The Bending Tower animals were being at the moment. Some of them were talking in small groups, murmuring. Others were laying down, napping, or sitting there by themself, looking lost in thought.
Ash's eyes then laid on his look-alike; she hadn't taken notice of him, and was busy talking to a dark black male wolf. Why did Ash and her look so alike? It couldn't be coincidence.
"Hey Ash!"
Ash turned around to see Airia walking up to him. She looked at the look-alike. "Who's that?" she asked.
"I dunno," Ash mumbled.
"Really? She looks just like you," Airia said.
"I know," Ash nodded. "But I don't know who she is."
Airia then turned and looked off, and turned back to Ash. "Streak looks somewhat upset." She pointed in Streak's direction with her tail.
Ash looked; indeed, Streak looked upset. Instead of playing with Nzuri and Patch - who were both play-fighting - he was laying down, head on his paws.
"Yeah, he is," Ash agreed.
"I mean, he looks really upset," Airia said, giving Ash a look.
"Uh...I said he is," Ash responded.
"Really upset," Airia repeated, giving him a sharper look.
"Uh..." Ash began. Oh. She wanted him to talk to Streak. "Why do you want me to talk to him?"
"He could use it," Airia shrugged. "I mean, you talked to...Airwing, when you were upset before."
"Yeah, but Airwing gave wise advice. What do I know? I'm probably one of the youngest leaders," Ash muttered.
"You're a leader," Airia pointed out, smiling, making Ash feel nervous. "Just go talk to him." She then walked off.
Ash sighed, and shook his head. He then walked over to Streak. "Um...what's up?"
Streak looked up. "Cinder's dead," he grumbled
"Yeah, she is..." Ash nodded slowly.
"You're not helping," Streak muttered.
Ash shook his head. "I'm not trying to make you more upset. But, that's just a fact of life. Animals live, and then they die. But they still live on in you. My parents are dead, Streak, but they've visited me before in my dreams. And maybe Cinder will do the same for you, give you a scoop on what she's up to."
Streak sighed. "I'll still miss her."
"I know you will," Ash said, "but don't put energy into grieving; put it into what could be used today. For example...I'm sure you can show Patch and Nzuri a thing or two about fighting."
Streak looked up and towards Patch and Nzuri, who were rolling over each other, pawing at each other.
"You're right," Streak murmured, getting up. He padded over to his siblings.
Airia then walked over. "You must've done a good job."
"I guess so," Ash shrugged, seeing Streak was now pouncing onto Patch, Nzuri laughing.
"I know how he feels though," Airia murmured, head hanging low.
"Yeah, but Goldwing and Airwing still watch over you," Ash pointed out.
Airia sighed. "It's not exactly that...but...just nevermind," Airia muttered, walking away.

Author's Note:

Hmm, everyone, hmm.
Also, check the new Misitu's Art Central post, it's TFEOB-related so I want all readers to see it. c:
And Jenny I think you'll enjoy that post too. :3
Sorry this chapter isn't action-y. Or very long. Or in Raoul's point of view. ouo
Also, I updated the Fan Art and Meet the Benders page.
Long author's note is long.


  1. Airia has a secret o:

    -perry4464 whose IE does not work on this website

  2. Hmm...
    I sense Streak kinda looks up to Ash, maybe as a father figure? xD

  3. hmmm
    (yes i am just that lazy to sign in xD)

  4. On an unrelated note, Snakeseye has a big secret. Snakeseye likes Dell.


If you do any mean comments, you can expect a "magician", to throw some fire into your home.